Pastor Joe Robbe

Senior Pastor

With my wife and three children, Corban, Esther, and Sarah, we moved to Portland in 1991 to plant Mount Hope Church. We started with a wonderful core group of committed, faithful believers. We are now going into our 27th year of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with Portland and the surrounding communities. We are also very active in taking the gospel to the ends of the earth through missions giving and missions trips. My passion is to see people grow in their relationship with Christ and to fulfill all the plans and purposes that God has for them. On a personal note, I am an avid reader, golfer and Detroit Tiger fan!


Nancyanne Robbe

Christian Education Director

I am known as the pastor’s wife, mom and grandma; and to many around here I’m simply called “NanaAnne”. My desire is to see God’s children of all ages grow up in the Lord! Few things bless me more than to see His Kids living and serving and enjoying life together in joy and peace! I also have a heart to see the Great Commission carried out both here in the Portland area and around the world. Ghana, West Africa has recently been added to my list of “LOVES”. I believe the best days yet are ahead of us!


Robert Urie

Music and Media Director

Jesus follower… husband to my remarkable wife, Anita… father to my amazing kids, Andrew, Erin, Elle and Gabe… musician…teacher…business owner…  amateur theologian…and Pastor….. I was one of those wayward sons that had been raised in church and had gone my own way, but by God’s grace, He took hold of my wife and she led me back to the church that I promised I would never go to again. I am impatient, still learning and growing, and amazed daily of God’s grace for me and my family. We started attending Mount Hope in 2006 and have grown to love the people of this faith community as our own family.


Angie Cassel

Children’s Ministry Director

I am a daughter of The King, a former prodigal, brought to my knees by His unending grace and unconditional love for me. I am wife to Tim who is an incredible husband and my best friend this side of heaven, mom to Lena, Garett and Easton who I’m crazy about and who God uses to teach me His love for all His sons and daughters. My desire is that children would know God and how His Word relates to their daily lives, love Him with reckless abandon, desire to be close to Him and lead their peers to do the same.


Jessica Hakala

Worship Director

I am a wife to a wonderfully supportive husband, Zak. He encourages me to be who God created me to be, and that is such a gift. I am a homeschooling mom to 4 crazy, awesome kids: Annabelle, Asa, Silas, and Eliza. They have taught me so much more than I could ever teach them. I am an imperfect (I have made so many mistakes!), saved by grace, Christ follower growing and striving to be more like Jesus everyday. I still have so much to learn! I spent the first 15 years of my life in Portland. This dot on the map has a very special place in my heart. My family moved when my parents followed a spiritual call to Muskegon. Fast forward 20 years and my husband Zak and I are following a spiritual call back to Portland. Our hearts are expectant and excited for what God is going to do here!