Pastor Joe Robbe | Portland Mount Hope Church

I have a confession to make. I am a lifelong Detroit Lions fan. I still remember when Tom Dempsey kicked a record setting field goal to beat the Detroit Lions. That was 1970! Through the years of following the Lions there have been plenty of emotions spent; heartache, frustration, disgust, joy, excitement (Barry Sanders years), even anger (If you’re a Lions fan you know exactly what I am talking about!).

While watching a recent Lions game, I was reminded of an important life lesson. Detroit was playing the New Orleans Saints at Wembley Stadium in London. I recorded the game due to the early hour it was being played (Sunday morning 9 am our time).

Before I could watch the game someone told me the final outcome. Detroit won it on a last second field goal in dramatic fashion. Usually learning the final outcome of a game ahead of time would ruin it for me; this time it didn’t bother me. I knew I could watch the game regardless of how frustrating it may get and be assured of victory in the end.

Living the Christian life can be a lot like watching a Lions ball game. There are moments of joy and excitement mixed with heartache and frustration. The important thing is to remember the final outcome. In the end we win! Victory is ours! We’re reminded in I John 5:4 -“Whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith.”

With Jesus on our side victory is assured, but the game of life must still be played, every minute of every day. There will be moments of joy and excitement as well as heartache and frustration. It’s all part of living life in a fallen world.

The Apostle Paul was one who always seemed to keep his eye on the final outcome, regardless of how difficult life would get. Even though he suffered the loss of all things he kept as the goal of his life the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3). At the end of his life, after much reflection, Paul was able to say, with confidence, that he fought the good fight, finished the course and kept the faith. He now looked forward to being awarded the victor’s crown. He had won! Victory was his! (II Timothy 4:6-8).

When the Christian life gets tough don’t quit, just remember the final outcome – victory! Keep the faith, finish the course and never stop fighting! One day the victor’s crown will be yours!

Enjoy your journey! (Go Lions!)