Go Ahead and Laugh!

Go Ahead and Laugh!

Pastor Joe Robbe | Portland Mount Hope Church

My wife is amazing! She has this wonderful ability to laugh, even in the midst of physical pain or emotional heartache. I don’t know about you, but pain of any kind, tends to suck the joy of life out of me. Nothing is funny when I hurt.
At times life can be funny and other times it can be very sobering. The ability to laugh in the midst of challenge and heartache will go a long way to help you enjoy life.

Knowing The Outcome

Knowing The Outcome

Pastor Joe Robbe | Portland Mount Hope Church

I have a confession to make. I am a lifelong Detroit Lions fan. I still remember when Tom Dempsey kicked a record setting field goal to beat the Detroit Lions. That was 1970! Through the years of following the Lions there have been plenty of emotions spent; heartache, frustration, disgust, joy, excitement (Barry Sanders years), even anger (If you’re a Lions fan you know exactly what I am talking about!).