Go Ahead and Laugh!

Go Ahead and Laugh!

Pastor Joe Robbe | Portland Mount Hope Church

My wife is amazing! She has this wonderful ability to laugh, even in the midst of physical pain or emotional heartache. I don’t know about you, but pain of any kind, tends to suck the joy of life out of me. Nothing is funny when I hurt.
At times life can be funny and other times it can be very sobering. The ability to laugh in the midst of challenge and heartache will go a long way to help you enjoy life.

Knowing The Outcome

Knowing The Outcome

Pastor Joe Robbe | Portland Mount Hope Church

I have a confession to make. I am a lifelong Detroit Lions fan. I still remember when Tom Dempsey kicked a record setting field goal to beat the Detroit Lions. That was 1970! Through the years of following the Lions there have been plenty of emotions spent; heartache, frustration, disgust, joy, excitement (Barry Sanders years), even anger (If you’re a Lions fan you know exactly what I am talking about!).

Navigating The Unexpected

Navigating The Unexpected

Pastor Joe Robbe | Mount Hope Church | Portland Michigan

I recently celebrated my 56th birthday. It wasn’t so much a celebration as it was a time of reflection, on where I had been and to where I am going.
Life is an interesting journey that has many unexpected twists and turns along the way. It is often the unexpected things in life, the things that you did not see coming, which can throw you off course. It does not take long once you get off track to realize that something isn’t right. The important thing is being able to find your way back.