Pastor Joe Robbe | Mount Hope Church | Portland Michigan

I recently celebrated my 56th birthday. It wasn’t so much a celebration as it was a time of reflection, on where I had been and to where I am going.
Life is an interesting journey that has many unexpected twists and turns along the way. It is often the unexpected things in life, the things that you did not see coming, which can throw you off course. It does not take long once you get off track to realize that something isn’t right. The important thing is being able to find your way back.


A few years ago my wife and I were driving through Boston on our way to Cape Cod. There was a lot of road construction that led to some unexpected detours. It could have been a very scary experience had it not been for our GPS. We were not familiar with Boston so we had to rely completely on our GPS to get us to where we wanted to go.
After many twists and turns through back streets and questionable neighborhoods we got back on the right road and arrived safely at our destination.

God’s word serves as a great GPS to guide us through life. We don’t always see the twists and turns coming. Detours are inevitable. We are told in Psalm 119:105,


Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.”


Following God’s word will always light our way in those dark and uncertain times, showing us where to go, enabling us to arrive safely at our ultimate destination.


We don’t always know how to navigate the unexpected but God does. That is good enough for me!

Enjoy your journey!